Peter does it again!
Next time, make sure you have a ride home.
Random reflections on theology, politics, sports and TEC (The Episcopal Church). So what does Gig-em mean? "At a yell practice before the 1930 TCU game, A&M board of regent Pinky Downs '06 shouted, 'What are we going to do to those Horned Frogs?' His muse did not fail him as he improvised, borrowing a term from frog hunting. "Gig 'em, Aggies!" he said as he made a fist with his thumb extended straight up. And with that the first hand sign in the Southwest Conference came into being.'"
Part 1
We rejoice in the central truths of Christianity as revealed in Scripture, including:
Further, as Anglican Christians, we accept the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion as a general exposition of the Reformed Faith, and desire to lay emphasis on two other doctrines which follow:
Finally, we also hold to these contemporary applications of the Gospel:
Diocese of the
a) that the biblical understanding of marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others;
b) that the blessing of same-sex unions is an important doctrinal matter which runs counter to Scripture and the current doctrine and Canon of Marriage within the Anglican Church of Canada;
c) that there is hope for healing and transformation of all sexual brokenness and sin through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.