Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Resolution In Support Bishop Mark MacDonald and the Camp Allen Statement
(The following is a resolution offered by Jim Basinger, David Terwilliger and Bob Young at the Diocese of Alaska Convention at Wasilla, AK Oct 5-7, 2006. The Resolutions Committee dropped the 'whereas clauses' and the resolved clause was amended on the floor so as to evacuate it of any meaning. The resolution, gutted and morphed was passed.

1. Whereas Bishop Mark MacDonald joined with other bishops in The Episcopal Church (TEC) at the Episcopal Diocese of Texas’ Camp Allen Conference and Retreat Center to work for the unity, integrity and vitality of TEC and the Anglican Communion, and

2. Whereas the gathered bishops issued a statement on September 22 in which they affirmed their faith in Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life – the faith uniquely revealed in the Holy Scriptures, set forth in the catholic Creeds, and to which the historic Anglican formularies bear witness, and

3. Whereas it was their clear sense that General Convention 2006 did not adequately respond to the request made of The Episcopal Church by the Communion through the Windsor Report and the Primates at Dromantine – requests which included moratoria regarding church discipline and order, and

4 Whereas Bishop Mark and those bishops gathered at Camp Allen expressed their regret, on behalf of themselves for those actions with which the Windsor Report was concerned, and

5. Whereas they accepted and affirmed the Windsor Report as necessary for the healing of the breaches in the Communion and for ecumenical relationships and endorsed the development of an Anglican Covenant, and

6. Whereas they affirmed the teaching of the Anglican Communion, as expressed in successive Lambeth Conferences, including the resolutions of Lambeth 1998 (among which is Resolution 1.10), and

7. Whereas they recognize the need of some for alternative primatial relationships, and as it is their hope and prayer that their fellowship can contribute to our Province’s life within the Communion,

Therefore, be it resolved that this 2006 Diocesan Convention express and record its support for our bishop and the Camp Allen Statement which endorsed the Windsor Report recommendations, expressed adherence to the 1998 Lambeth Resolution 1.10 as the teaching of the Anglican Communion, so that unity and truth prevail in the Anglican Communion.


Whereas' 1-7 were eliminated and the Resolved clause was changed to:

Therefore, be it resolved
that the 2006 Convention of the Diocese of Alaska expresses and records its support for our bishop in his continuing efforts to bring about reconciliation in TEC as exampled by the Camp Allen Meeting, so that unity may prevail within TEC and the Anglican Communion.

1 comment:

John Hanscom said...

I just got back from a trip to OR to see my grandson (and his parents). Nevertheless, you have been in my prayers a lot.

I know you are not happy with the way the Church is going. And, you are one of the finest ministers and leaders I know.

Jim Burns told me he voted with the resolution concerning the Windsor Report, however "gutted" it was, and I am sorry it did not pass. From what Jim told me, I would have voted for it, too.

I am deeply salddened that the Nation I love, served for 21 1/2 years, and went to war for twice, is now divided into two "camps," "red" and "blue." And now, the same thing is happening in the Denomination I love.

The Country, the Denomination, and you all will continue in my prayers.