Friday, October 20, 2006

Following is the resolution as presented at the 2006 Diocese of Alaska Convention:

Therefore, be it resolved that this 2006 Diocesan Convention express and record its support for our bishop and the Camp Allen Statement which endorsed the Windsor Report recommendations, expressed adherence to the 1998 Lambeth Resolution 1.10 as the teaching of the Anglican Communion, so that unity and truth prevail in the Anglican Communion.

 This is the revision which, by the way,
did pass, but not by much:

Therefore, be it resolved that the 2006 Convention of the Diocese of Alaska expresses and records its support for our bishop in his continuing efforts to bring about reconciliation in TEC as exampled by the Camp Allen Meeting, so that unity may prevail within TEC and the Anglican Communion.


t19elves said...

Jim, thanks again for your invaluable info on these resolutions. Did the "whereas" clauses in Resolution 4 get changed too? It would seem the original whereas statements would be too strong for the final weak "be it resoloved" statement that was passed.

Jim Basinger said...

The 'whereas' clauses were removed, leaving only a resolved clause which said nothing.

The chairman of the Resolutions Committee, for some reason, doesn't like 'whereas' clauses, despite the fact that they are there to give reasons for the conclusion.